Friday, April 23, 2010

..sang saka biru..


eheheh rajin bnau apdet blog skarang ye..
xpe, skang still ade masa terluang..
nt kot2 xde kn..
huhuhu apetahakungarutjanganlayan..

ada la 2 3 minggu lepas kot ms ak blk umah..
terrrrjupe satu buku ne..
pastu kn terrrrrrbelek la buku ne..

buku apekah?

ne ha  bukunya..
msti korg xtau kn buku ne wujud unless korg ne polis atau pn anak polis ke bini polis ke anak sdare polis ke atau seangkatan dengannye lah..
ktorg ade buku ne pn sbb dlu b.cik msuk latihan jd IP ke PI..
lebey kurang tu la..

pstu ble tnampak buku tu, terus tnye papa ade x gamba de dlm tu..
hahaha ofkos la ade.
bangga ai tau..

ne la gmba papa masa jd komander  briged sabah..
masa tu bju ijau ag sbb still pph..
ble time ktorg kt sane bru tuka jd pga, then pkai bj biru same ngn polis len..

hurm dlm buku ne pn ade kisah2 sejarah perang yg aku tatau..
aku tatau la kalu korg tau tp ade certain yg aku tau..
anyway sape yg anti polis ke hape ke mst ckp tah pape buku ne kn..
tp tu terpulang pd korang la..
sbb personally ak respect polis..
tp aku respect polis zaman dlu, not now..
sbb ape?
agak2 bole kene tgkap x tulis cani? hahhaha
sbb dlu yg jd polis sbb mmg nk jd polis.
mcm ayh aku, jd polis sblom cukop umo 18 lg..
smpai la da pencen neh..
polis dlu2 len woh..seyes aku ckp..
yelah kwn2 ayah aku tu nmpak la dorg jd polis scara bsungguh2..
tp polis muda2 neh, rmai jd polis sbb xde keje..
so dorg pnye tanggungjawab pn kureng sket..
aku bukan ckp saje2 neh, ade yg aku knal mcm tu ok..
n aku ckp bkn la seme polis skarang mcm tu, segelintir atau sebahagian besar la..
not semua..

ape beza lg polis dlu n skarng?
hurm 1 yg obvious bg aku la kn..
polis dlu bole beza kn kuasa time keje n  time rehat..
dorg x bmegah..
so ble dorg benti mnum mane2 ke ape ke slalu dorg salin bju atau pkai jaket..
xde la msuk kdai kopi dgn blagaknya pkai bju biru tuh..
melainkan kdai kopi tu btol2 sbelah balai la kn..yg obviously byk polis len..

pastu x dinafikn dlu2 pn ade rasuah..
tp skarang mcm terang2an lak..
huhuhu blambak vid kt youtube tnjuk polis amek rasuah..
blambak cte yg ckp polis amek rasuah sbb xnak kene saman..
evn ade skali tu ak kene tahan, ayat polis tu mcm xle blah ckp "kalu saman kene bayar 300, byk ne..ade duit x?" tak ke mcm sajes swoh kasi limaploh kt de?
kalu aku yg salah paham minta maaf la ye, tp aku rasa tu intention de..

by the way kwn2..
sape yg kene saman seatbelt ke hape ke xyh la korg byr rasuah kt polis tu..
knape? bukan ke byr saman beratus2?
hahaha mmg la kene byr beratus, tu pn kalu korg peram saman tu..
actually contoh la kalu korang kene saman xpkai seatbelt kn.
undang2 ckp maksimum rm300 hengget..
ape kate korg amek je saman tu smbil ckp kt polis trefik tu, maceh cik, nt sy byr kompaun..
kompaun ye bukan saman..kompaun..
saman tu jd ble ko xbayar kompaun dlm masa yg dtetapkn dan dpanggil utk dihadapkn ke mahkamah..
so ble dpt surat cinta tu, sila pegi ke ibupejabat polis daerah mane korg kene tahan tu, kalu x sure tnye tukang bg surat saman tu..
pegi dlm ms yg dtetapkn, ade tarikh tulis bwh surat cinta tuh..
pegi je byr kt bahagian trafik..
brape hengget utk seatbelt?
rm 40 hengget je..kurang sploh hengget dr ko byr pakcik tu 50hengget semata2 xnk kene saman..
btw kalu gagal tnjuk lesen pn patploh jugak..
lg untung dr korg rasuah..
lgpn silap aribulan kalu korg rasuah, bkn je korg kene bayar, silap aribln polis tu saje je amek rasuah korg pastu report korg kt BPR..sia2 je..

okla da pjg sgt ak mbebel..
nk keje lak..

ok, bye!

pies: ini bdasarkn pengalaman aku kene kalu korg xdpt harga tu  ku pohon maaf dlu..mgkn korg x menarek mcm aku kot de xnk kasi diskaun..muahaha

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

..fes taim..




eh bye lak..
well actually mcm nk cte sumtg..
ak realize bnda ne smlm la..
ne seme pasal megi goreng..
ape kaitannye ngn megi goreng?

ok ok..
selama 21 hari keje kt sini kn..
da byk bnda luar kebiasaan aku buatkn kebiasaan..
ape yg luar biasa? ape yg biasa?
well for those who know me very well akan paham la..
yg len tu korg tgk ape aku tulis nt aku rasa korg akn paham gk kot..
so here goes the list...

1. pakai baju kurung hampir tiap2 minggu..
2. pakai heel/wedges pegi kerja, tiap2 ari!
3. bawak bekal utk lunch tiap2 ari (cheh, padahal tgh sengkek)
4. masak megi goreng utk bwk bekal g opis pagi2 sblom g keje!!!!

haaaa sape tau mmg tau aku tak bape ske masak..
apetah ag utk merajinkn diri memasak pg2 buta..
luar biasa bukan?

okla, wa nk g mkn berger..
wa bwk bekal arini..

ok, bye!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

..barely breathing..


Da lama carik lgu ne..
bru teringat nk cari.
abaikan ayat itu..
sape rasa nk donlod lgu ne, sila gugel..
wa malas nk gugel..

I know what you're doing
I see it all too clear
I only taste the saline
When I kiss away your tears

You really had me going
Wishing on a star
The black holes that surround you
Are heavier by far

I believed in your confusion
So completely torn
Must have been that yesterday
Was the day that I was born

There's not much to examine
There's nothing left to hide
You really can't be serious
If you have to ask me why
I say goodbye

'Cause I am barely breathing
And I can't find the air
Don't know who I'm kidding
Imagining you care

And I could stand here waiting
A fool for another day
I don't suppose it's worth the price
It's worth the price, the price
That I would pay, yeah yeah, yeah

Everyone keeps asking
What's it all about?
I used to be so certain
Now I can't figure out

What is this attraction?
I only feel the pain
There's nothing left to reason
And only you to blame
Will it ever change?

I've come to find
I may never know
Your changing mind
Is it friend or foe?

I rise above or sink below
With every time
You come and go
Please don't come and go

::duncan sheik :: barely breathing::

hurm smlm spt bese la kn.
msti time nk epy2 g ngeteh ade benda x best jd..

something to ponder bak kate org..

make it 2 years or 10 years pun kau berbuat baik, belum tentu lagi seseorang tu akan ingat kau, respect kau dan appreciate 5 minit pun cukup utk org tu mhamburkn marah dekat kau..

n m talking from experience..

Friday, April 16, 2010

..annual meeting yg x annual..


Watched bagaimana melatih naga..
Had fantastic food..
Perut kenyang..
Ati epy..
Rindu da lepas..
Balik tdo..
Bangun lambat.
G keje pn lambat..


Tuan kerus: Keri

Ahli: Syipa

Ahli tdo gelap: melur (kasi chan)

tuan kerusi xde pula..
ahli gelap mmg xde..

bak nama air aku,

pies: goodluck sape yg men mpoc
piespi: ahad ne wa nk g mlk..nyumnyum

ok, bye

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

..landak is porcupine..


setelah berumur _3thn lebey (bajet xnk kasitau umor..haha)..
baru aku tau..

tau ape?

tau yg landak sbenarnye xle terbangkn duri de!
haih itu semuanya myth..

dlu kecik2 org ckp, jgn dkt2 ngn landak..
kalu marah nt duri de terbang kene kite..
rupanya tu semua tipu sahaja..
landak juz kembangkn duri de je, xde la smpai terbang..

asl ak x pnah tau? (-_-")

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

..wishY u the Best fAr..

13th April 2010

bday kesayangan ati saya..

13th April 2010..

birthday mokmok..


i can only wish u will get the best of what u dream for..

happy 28th birthday cyg..

pies:rindu bju ku dlm gmbar tuh

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

..gula hati saya..

Hello =)

Saje je tgh bosan kt opis..
Skarang pn da time balik..
Nak balik la ne, tp nk aplod gmba mokmok..
Saje je edit sbb ngantuk gle td..

Actually yg penuh bole tgk kt [sini]..
Saje malas nk aplod yg bsar2 kt sini..

btw credit to Keri sbb pkai camera de pastu gmba 1st tu de yg amek..thnx =)

da time balik, balik ah..

ok, bye

Monday, April 5, 2010

..sembang pasal interview II..


Hai..da lama x apdet..hahaha
bese la, baru start keje baru..
bz sket..
padahal tetiap ari dok ngadap tenet..
bkn pe, wa nye opis bru xle nk tenet ske2 ati even de xde restriction..
so, wa mmg gugel bnda ilmiah je skang..haha konon la..

btw, nk sambung psl interview..
aritu kte ckp psl ape yg perlu utk interview scr general kn? at this post
arini ak nk cte bdasarkan  kompeni2 yg ak pnah interview..
eh bkn aku interview dorg, dorg yg interview aku..

Websuite Solutions S/B

Jawatan: Associate Developer

1st kompeni yg interview aku..and actually was my 1st job..interview ngn bos bsau tros, name de Paul.
Interviewnye simple yg de tnye soklan2 bkaitan programming sket..
Pastu de suruh pilih 1 benda yg bkaitan projek ms blaja dlu(fresh grad) utk ko explain detail mcm nk wat documentation..
Dan present di depan senior developer..
Sape senior? itu ikot naseb kalu ade yg kt opis.
tp masa tu aku kena ngn dedua senior which is Ian n Chang..
Dorang tak tengok pn sijil ke thesis ke ape..

Kejayaan interview: Di hire bkerja dan bkerja selama 8bln sehingga March 2010

Sharp Electronic S/B

Jawatan: Software Engineer

1st smpai2 ko kene wat assessment test..
Test bdasarkn basic circuit, math, algebra n basic C (kate software)
Interviewed oleh sorang cina n sorang jepun yg aku tak ingat nama..
Yg cina perempuan tu HOD rasanye, yg laki jepun tu wa x igt..
Both of them were friendly..
Ade tnye psl programming iaitu C++ sbb dorg pkai C..
Ade gk tnye sket2 psl thesis, tp x mendalam sgt..
Aku rasa ko kene byk tnye dorg n ceria sket..hahaha they were nice..

Kejayaan interview: Di hire tp aku tolak (ye, tindakan bodoh, faham!)

NGM Networks

Jawatan: Assistant Engineer (aku pun tak igt)

Ini interview rmai yg aku jupe Mal n Fak..
Ade assessment test yg tnye psl CDMA, telecommunications, elastic band etc..
Soklan dia semua mcm karangan je aku tgk, lgpn kami bertiga..
Jadi kami meniru sama2..hahaha
Interviewed by HR exec dia..
Dia byk tanya soklan yg lebih pada management, problem solving dan teamwork..
Ape lagi ye? tu je kot

Kejayaan interview: Dapat email cakap lepas utk 2nd interview, tp lepas tu dorg senyap..bkn aku sorg yg kene, yg len pn same (10 org)..ade sorg tu je dpt keje sbb de slalu sibuk tnye NGM ble interview etc..haha

Orea Technologies S/B

Jawatan: Security Software Engineer

Interviewed oleh sorg of the senior kot..aku pun tatau..hahaha
De lebih casual tnye pasal what's ur experience..
Pastu dia tnye ape yg pnah guna utk programming n all..
Pastu cerita pasal kompeni..
Tu je

Kejayaan interview: tak berjaya..ahaha

Western Digital

Assessment test at least stengah jam..
Soklan seme yg aku blaja dr 1st year smpai final year..
Tmasuk computer architecture, basic C, electronic etc..
Soklan yg byk gle..
Pastu interviewed by 2 ppl..
Lama gila interview..
Dia review jwpn utk assessment test n kalu salah de tnye nape ko pk camtu (byk gle aku salah)..
kalau salah de ajar blk smpai ko dpt jwpn btol..
Dia tnye pasal thesis in detail..
Dia tanye pasal current job in detail..
Interview paling lama aku pegi dr kul 2 smpai 6 stengah..
dan paling susah T_T

Kejayaan interview: aritu khamis aritu de panggil utk 2nd camno nk pegi? wa bru start keje sini..haih

Astro Broadcast

Jawatan: Call center

mula2 aku igt salah interview sbb pegi2 de cte psl program utk graduan menganggur..hahaa
so de bg assessment test on basic math yg melibatkn pengiraan bil la ape la..
then suruh jwb email customer..
tu je..
sbb yg interview just dr SCICOM (kot?)
kalu pass dgn dorg bru astro panggil..ahaha

Kejayaan interview: Dapat 2nd interview tp x pegi. Mau tak nye, kul 1.30 nk interview, kul 12 bru msg..haih

Patimas Computers Berhad.

Jawatan: Java Developer

Ni interview plg sempoi kot..haha
tp first skali msti ade assessment test..
ianya pada math, english dan creative thinking (kot?)
ouh pastu ade essay not more than 200 words..
pastu pegi bistro(cafe) utk group interview...
de kasi 1 paper n kotak kaler..
de sruh lukis something that describes u n explain..
pastu de tnye sket2 je psl ko..
lama gk tp sempoi..hahaha

kejayaan interview: di hire tp sbg solution specialist..lebey sesuai kata mereka..n sdg msuk minggu kedua =)

ok..tu je la kot..
aku rasa ade lg kot tips..
nt kalu aku ingat aku apdet or buat entry len..

wa nye ofis hour da lama abes, tp rajen wa stay smpai sejam kemudian..

ok, bye

Fuh Habuk Fuhhhhh

Hellooooooo... Yesza, dah lama sangat tak blogging. Rindu? Yes! Tapi itulah, banyak masa digunakan untuk benda lain. Nak kata punyalah tak...