Sunday, February 14, 2010 has been 3 years..


ye da 3thn sjk ak officially jd single..
evn ak mcm da x mengaku ex ak yg last tuh..
tp da 3thn la ak bstatus single yg x taken..huhu

arini juga new lunar year.
so to all Chinese, Happy Chinese New Year guys.
May the year of the tiger, brings u prosperity..
td mkn dabel prosperity beger..

sbenarnye xda idea pn nk apdet.
juz trase nk apdet.
da kul 6, tp still blom tdo.
mb sbb pnat seharian kmas umah.
td jupe dila, amek keropok2 yg de bwk dr sbh..
smpat jupe kjap je, tp thnx dila, kte simpan SR utk nxt time =)

smlm (eh 2mlm lepas).
jupe lil D.
i was very sure that he wont see me again after wut happened last sunday.
tp smlm ak beg utk jupe de for a minute (ok, phm, ak pathetic)
sbb last saturday, ak salam de without knowing it was d last time ak salam n cium tgn de.
sbb ble kami bperang ari ahad tu, ak lgsg x bsalam ngn de.
so, he granted my wish yesterday.
mmg da nanges2 da otw ke sana,bkn nk bdrama mnta smpati
cuma mmg hati da x tertahan bila mengenangkn it wud b my last time utk menatap kesayangan hati.
hati mmg da redha da utk salam, cium tangan dan berlalu.
tp ble ak smpai de tros peluk ak,lecture me a bit dan made me promise yg ak xkn wat bnda bodo mcm tu. n he hugged me again, tightly.
n i just wept, he just hold me tight.
ak mmg xbsedia nk lepaskn dia, blom cukup kuat hati ni.
dan mungkin, just a maybe, he feels d same way too.(ak nk sdapkn ati)
sblom blk pn ak salam n cium tangan de lama2, sbb i was afraid it wud b my last time.
he hold my head n looked me in d eyes n said
"look at me, dont do that ever again. u've promised"
dan for the rest of d nite, he made me smiled.
n he became someone i used to know.
dan dia sudah selamat smpai ke destinasi n he did informed me like used to do.
n cyg, i was thankful for that. =)

arini rmai yg kawen n btunang.
so i wished u guys all the best n hope ur love story will never end.

oklah, mahu mandi dan tidur.
toodles =)


Seyn Jukey said...

apsal sedih betul hikayat kau ni. wish the best for you okay :)

rAmiZa.mY said...

sedih ke seyn? ahaha ape kate ko wish ak jupe seseorg yg bole mgembirakan ati ak d way dat i'll make him happy?

Fuh Habuk Fuhhhhh

Hellooooooo... Yesza, dah lama sangat tak blogging. Rindu? Yes! Tapi itulah, banyak masa digunakan untuk benda lain. Nak kata punyalah tak...